It’s important to provide feedback on your practice education experience.

JIBC Ambulance and Hospital Surveys

You are encouraged to complete the hospital and ambulance practicum surveys using the links below as often as you wish during practice education as this provides us with the most current information on your experiences. The survey links will also be emailed to PCP students at the end of their practicum and ACP students at the end of each term. Your feedback is anonymous and allows JIBC to improve student experience while on practice education placements.

JIBC: PCP Ambulance Practicum Survey
JIBC: PCP Hospital Practicum Survey

BCEHS Preceptor Survey

You are encouraged to provide anonymous feedback directly to BCEHS by clicking BCEHS Preceptor Survey. You can submit multiple surveys at any point during the practice education component of your program. Your feedback allows BCEHS to assess preceptor performance and preceptors to further develop their skills. It also informs preceptor education.